
Empowering You to Make Change

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Get Ready to Vote

Are you living in Britain now?

Are you a Brit living abroad?

Campaign Materials

Make sure you are able to Vote

At the moment the only real impact you can have as a citizen is voting at election time.  You need to be active to participate.

This helpful checklist tells you what you need to know to be a Citizen, not just a Voter.

Download this graphic and use it on your social media posts. Share it around and help your friends and family be active citizens too.

Voting Checksheet

Full Register to Vote Briefing

Voting for Overseas Citizens

Guidance on how those Brits who are living abroad can get to vote in UK elections.

It will take you under 20 minutes to have your say.

Download the graphic an add this to your social media posts. 

Voting for Brits Abroad

Join Us

Be a part of the change with ALL as we strive for a new democracy. Every volunteer and donation brings us closer to our goal. Your support is crucial. Act now!