Want to have your say?
Hurry and register to voteA Brit living abroad and a full citizen, that means you can still vote in UK elections. But hurry up you need to register to vote in time for the next General Election.
How Brits Abroad Can Vote
Are you abroad but have British roots? Then there is a way you can vote in UK Elections if you are eligible.
You can register as an overseas voter if you’re either:
- a British citizen
- an eligible Irish citizen registering to vote in Northern Ireland
In a representative democracy, the critical moment that citizens participate is in voting so get to it and reclaim you vote.
Here is a step by step guide.
Register to Vote
To Apply to Vote
On the Register to Vote Page, click on Voting.
You will need an NI number and your last UK address.
You will need to know your local council too. Find this at: www.electoralcommission.org.uk/i-am-a/voter/your-election-information
It gives you the local council and athe Electoral Registation Officer details.
Choose How to Vote
Once registered you can decide if you want to vote by proxy or by post. You need to apply accordingly.
Proxy Vote www.gov.uk/apply-proxy-vote
Postal Votewww.gov.uk/apply-postal-vote