Why Us?
Working to repair and rebuild Britain's democracy.
Let’s move from an old-fashioned
system to a modern democracy.
Being rooted in meeting citizens’ needs
will revitalise this country.
Setting us on the path to better lives for all.
What do we want?
Citizens' Declaration
To move forward as a nation, we need a consensus on what politics is trying to achieve for us, as citizens. This requires a practical framework with built-in rights and outcomes and clear responsibilities for any government to deliver them.
Citizens' Social Contract
The goal of government is to provide well being to citizens. That needs citizens to understand what government can do and their role in democracy.
Good Government
The ALL Guide to Good Government has been written to support the national conversation about what we should be aspiring to as a modern democracy. The last decade has shown us that the old assumptions do not hold.
A National Conversation
Britain needs to talk about the sort of country we want to be. We need to discuss how power is shared more equally and decisions are made in the right place. To give people back their agency and sense of pride in being part of an inclusive and modern country.
The Citizen's Declaration
Do you want the best for our country?
A better future, a responsible government,
real democracy, justice for all,
and fair chances?
It’s your future, make it your best life.
Guide to Good Government
We deserve better governance
From a responsible government
focused on our needs
where votes matter
and local decisions are made locally
With access to justice and transparency.
Let’s start a national conversation.
Citizens' Social Contract
We demand a new social contract
between citizens and our government,
focused on our needs,
that spells out our rights
and responsibilities.
To rebuild a fairer more caring society,
where we can all contribute and thrive.
National Debate
Britain needs to talk
about how power works and who has it.
We need to ask what sort of country we want to be?
How do we share power more equally?
Creating a place where we are proud to belong..